The Wolf Doesn’t Care!
A wolf is a beautiful creature. My closest encounter with a wolf was at a zoo. I have never seen a wolf in the wild - this might be a good thing. A wolf is instinctively ferocious and brutal.
While hunting for prey, a wolf pack is a fine-tuned cooperative team. They will track and follow a herd of animals for days. Like many predators, their victims are not the strongest. They are looking for young, old, injured, and weak animals in the herd. A wolf pack has a better chance of overtaking a vulnerable animal. They also are aware of the terrain. They choose to attack when the landscape helps the pack.
In the wild, this type of hunting contributes positively to the health of the herd. For example, eliminating unhealthy and weak animals means the healthy animals will have more to eat.
A wolf is not sympathetic to an animal in the herd that is injured. A wolf is not compassionate to a young or old animal in the herd. By nature, the weakest is the target.
Criminals are like the wolf. If they can find an easy target, that will be their target. They do not care about fairness.
Who might be an easy target? Targets can be older people, younger people, the person using a cane, the person who recently had surgery, or the person who is not alert.
Once I observed a young person running at top speed towards an older woman on a city street. As he ran past her, he grabbed her purse, which jerked her arm and body forward. She had no chance of keeping the purse. She stumbled forward, and the criminal was on his way up the city street. Unfortunately, the woman made herself an easy target for a criminal.
Like the wolf, criminals that prey on people look for weakness. Below are a few ideas of how to protect yourself:
do not look like an easy victim (purse dangling from your hand)
have a plan
stay physically fit
be a student and practitioner of self-defense
actively avoid crime-infested areas
be aware of your surroundings
Some criminals try to avoid contact. They would like for you not to be home when they burglarize your house. Other criminals will make direct contact with people for robbery purposes. Also, some criminals want to harm people randomly.
Criminals do not care about the victim. They are more like the wolf, and they will seek someone who appears to be weak. Because of this, you should choose to study and practice self-defense strategies.
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