To Achieve Proficiency Will Take Time and Practice

Before you join or enroll your kids in any martial art school, you must identify the motivation for the decision. Why do you want to practice martial arts? Why do you want your kids enrolled? The answers will vary, but overwhelmingly I hear these answers:

to learn self-defense skills

to have an activity for me

to improve physical fitness

to improve self-confidence

to improve self-discipline

No matter the answer, proficiency will take time and a lot of practice. A person must commit to hard work and learning. The quickest way to improve requires training in class and outside of class. Like most good things in life, your results will come from the amount of effort you put into learning and doing.

If you put effort into learning at school, you will learn and succeed academically. The opposite is true – no effort in learning equals results below your ability.

You may have a job.  Have you noticed that you and others succeed and get the best result because of goal-setting, work linking to the goals, and outstanding effort?  Do the most effective people on your team extend themselves and work hard?

Nothing will take the place of practice in the martial arts training facility and outside of class. There is no easy way to succeed. You will have to put in the time. I have yet to find someone trained in martial arts who cannot transfer the learning to life situations.

If you are looking for a challenge that will benefit you in multiple ways, study martial arts. You will see positive results if you commit to the experience, listen to the instructors, and practice.

The photograph in this post is an image from Glorify, Inc. We have a Glorify license agreement to use images and design tools from the Glorify site.


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